Poem 1405

Her front step swept
recycling themselves
the crushed brown ants.

Poem 1453

Back from school
me following me into
our shabby house.

Poem 1469

Last puppy sold
their birth blankets burning
one by one.

Poem 1485

Tension between us
listening if her dreams
may set loose a name.

Poem 1501

Grandmother’s gift
the brooch clasp
losing its gold.

Poem 1517

Full moon
crooning to the cattle
their favourite old tunes.

Poem 1533

Spring winds
finding odd tunes to play
over the barbed wire fences.

Poem 1549

The fig tree is
a tethered brumby
the storm gathers.

Poem 1565

Street cafe’
a newspaper wind
bending at the corner.

Poem 1581

Waterfront cafe’
drawing to the horizon
both full moons.