Poem 2029

Breezing in
the summer unfurls
a flock of swallows.

Poem 2013

Puppet show
I make eye contact
with their star.

Poem 1997

Migrating geese
somewhere below night
the restless sea.

Poem 1981

Window’s fly speck
coming from behind
the pink glow of Mars.

Poem 1965

Furniture restore
new wood under
the old brown paint.

Poem 1949

The fragrant candles
our dinner
small talked out.

Poem 1933

Winter jog
the heart pulse
of a stranger’s hearse.

Poem 1917

Drying cement
the fun to their handprints
of adding the date.

Poem 1901

over the waterfall
the moon white river.

Poem 1885

Evening stroll
the full moon
shouldered lightly.