Poem 1706

Ancient pond
a fading struggle
from the snake’s mouse.

Poem 1690

Deep sea dive
loosening small bubbles
the battleship’s bones.

Poem 1673

First light
a murder of crows
over the dead lamb.

Poem 1657

Old friends
they have the shape of you
red lingerie drying in the wind.

Poem 1641

A dawn lake
spreading ripples
our silent oars.

Poem 1625

A long horizon
working on the same catch
the herring gulls.

Poem 1609

Wafting breezes
a cloud canoes itself
along the river.

Poem 1593

Moon on the lake
a carpet snake
sips at its reflection.

Poem 1577

River’s edge
the snake a stick
in the crescent moon.

Poem 1561

The queue jostles
as I form it
school sports bus.