Poem 1430

Distant thunder
hailstones still melting
from the sparrow’s nest.

Poem 1446

Breathless summer night
just this heat in curved pillows
between us.

Poem 1462

A dry wedding
the old sailor fidgets
inside his necktie.

Poem 1478

Train platform
an ant crack just wide enough
in the slanting sun.

Poem 1494

Footpath coffees
our sponge cakes coming
past a rubbish bin.

Poem 1510

Low tide
exposing the underarm odour
of the sea.

Poem 1526

New teacher
this year how my violin
has sweetened.

Poem 1542

White frost
remaining below
the speckled mushrooms.

Poem 1558

Jealous quarrel
a bruised apple turned
in the fruit bowl.

Poem 1574

Temple ruins
a wind crossing the stones
with whistles.