Poem 1969

Swarming with stars
an unblinking Mars
alone pink.

Poem 1953

No winter as cold
as those concrete seats
grandmother’s garden.

Poem 1937

Thunder storm
how the rose petals cling
to the garden path.

Poem 1921

following a pink light spot
the tall show girl.

Poem 1905

A foggy lake
she dives in
still alone when she rises.

Poem 1889

Snow sprinkles–
a plum afternoon
my stroll to the library.

Poem 1873

Her holidays start
suddenly with the red suitcase
suddenly she’s gone.

Poem 1857

In the chatter; the clatter
on her best china
mother’s friends.

Poem 1841

Sunday’s alter
the candle for our sins
keeps blowing out.

Poem 1825

Morning winds
all the yachts rocking
with their share of the swells.