Poem 2223

Cracked loose ice
the waves of blue whales.

Poem 2207

To all you lost sailors …
a pregnant woman swims
in your gentle waves.

Poem 2334

Tropic isle
the crescent moon
cocoons the light.

Poem 2318

Cast off …
our cruise ship hoots
fills the harbour.

Poem 2302

Ship wreak
the rooms filled and un-filled …
a school of whiting.

Poem 2286

None the same shape
yet a backbone of islands
from the mist.

Poem 2270

Mediterranean cruise
the whimsy of the water spout
to turn away south.

Poem 2254

Fishing fleet
into the sleep
of home port.

Poem 2238

Sailing home
in the faint mist
every harbour light.

Poem 2222

Asleep in the boat
between the islands
of tide and moon.