Poem 2206

Mediterranean cruise
the far migrating geese
come out of the blue.

Poem 2333

Tropic isle
this painted moon
some other sky.

Poem 2317

Storm waves
all pitched black
but the lighthouse beam.

Poem 2301

After the albatross leaves
the lurching
of our crow’s-nest.

Poem 2285

Clipper ship
first light where it begins
coming out of the sea.

Poem 2269

the waves of tourists
the whale’s suckling calf.

Poem 2253

Winter fog
paling haloes
around the sun.

Poem 2237

Island cruise
a hush of dawn lovers
at the ship’s prow.

Poem 2205

Sailing solo
a need for all those stars
to leave me alone.

Poem 2332

Tropic isle
waves of sunsets
break on shore.