Poem 2299

Coming aboard
the Black sea cruise
my birth-sign stars.

Poem 2267

The ship’s funnel
its shade comes aboard
the sun deck.

Poem 2251

Sailing solo
I find the waves glow green
in moonlight.

Poem 2235

Ionian whales
the waves from their dives
coming to meet us.

Poem 2219

One whale
its wink so knowing
beside our boat.

Poem 2203

Fisherman’s boat
the dog alone at Christmas
without a meal.

Poem 2330

Tropic isle
filling the sea
the moon pulls back.

Poem 2314

burning the horizon
two white suns.

Poem 2298

all morning
bending beyond the storm.

Poem 2282

Dolphins in and out
the waves of the Aegean
arching their backs.