Poem 2249

Still on its side
under Aegean waves
the shipwreck’s name.

Poem 2233

Our sharp white hull
opening the Aegean waves …
opening the afternoon swell.

Poem 2217

Ocean whispers …
one albatross swoops
another gliding past.

Poem 2201

Staring landward
the lime bikini stranger
under her red straw hat.

Poem 2328

Tropic isle
the orange dawn
pours with gulls.

Poem 2312

Aegean storm
the greys of everything
bobbing in the harbour.

Poem 2296

ship and moon
passing the same spot.

Poem 2280

Aegean waves
sails filled by the wind
flap all afternoon.

Poem 2264

In still water
darkness supporting
the shark around us.

Poem 2248

Battleship bones
emerging from the deep gloom
to chill us.