Poem 2403

Spring clean
the rag’s bag dragged
from room to room.

Poem 2382

The mouse in peril
fallen figs
found out on the lawn.

Poem 2366

Lightning fades
the hour-away river
starting to trickle.

Poem 2350

orange horizon
a crinkled ocean
washing the suns.

Poem 2461

Father’s borrowed car
down lover’s lane …
once in a blue moon.

Poem 2445

Dragonfly wings
quietly wrinkles
the bird bath.

Poem 2429

Pouring out the joy
of a cool white wine–
river picnic.

Poem 2413

Plumber’s soil
left on the lawn
pecked by sparrows.

Poem 2397

Lifting mist
the shapes of dawn
in the mushroom field.

Poem 2381

Limp sails
taking a day to find us
the afternoon swell.