Poem 2495

the fog lifts
watching a drop’s measure
until it must fall.

Poem 2479

Early bird
becoming day
the worm pulls back.

Poem 2558

Windjammer sails
with the storm.

Poem 2542

Windjammer deck
the cat curls tighter
in the winter sun.

Poem 2526

tending your tall sails
sailors drown.

Poem 2494

laundry door
children leaving years
scratched in the paint.

Poem 2478

How ancient
are the forests shaped
to give me breath.

Poem 2573

Windjammer sails
the sounds of a shanty
sung by the crew.

Poem 2557

Light-house beam
returns to the windjammer
caressing her.

Poem 2525

Limp, rain, soaked
windjammer, moored
to the old wood wharf.