a sliver of moon
the harvest ripe
rustling corns


covering of stars
a stir through our orange tree
touches the wind chimes


the opening of stars
our campfire’s smoke
rise to silence


lawn sprinklers
drawing the magpies
to rough-and-tumble

Poem 2555

A breathless dawn
the windjammer wheel
no one stands to.

Poem 2504

Arms folded
to the crescent moon
the windjammer captain.

Poem 2488

garden table
the book of history
leafed by a wind.

Poem 2567

Of summers past
the windjammer barnacles
tied to the wharf.

Poem 2551

At dawn
windjammer following
the wild geese home.

Poem 2539

Windjammer in the sun
sailing only
on the mantelpiece.