Poem 2523

Misty rain …
quietly out of the dusk
the windjammer beside us.

Poem 2507

Captain’s daughter
the windjammer in white
for her wedding.

Poem 2491

first of spring
sharpening the shadows
in the sunlight.

Poem 2570

In winter waves
a sudden storm bemoans
the windjammer.

Poem 2554

Old windjammer
connecting the tourist spots
around the harbour.

Poem 2538

Windjammer deck
before the pelican
scatters the gulls.

Poem 2522

Her sails stowed …
aboard the windjammer.

Poem 2506

Open seas
the windjammer hurls
her spinnaker out.

Poem 2490

a honey tongue suckling
on butterfly wings.

Poem 2569

An albatross glides
across the sky blue sea
a windjammer.