Poem 2565

I stop our motor
to let it past …
the windjammer sails.

Poem 2549

The city swelters
across the windjammer deck
a sea breeze that cools.

Poem 2533

Winter light
the windjammer stripped bare
tied to her wharf.

Poem 2517

Gentle breeze
grazing on the sea
a moonlit windjammer.

Poem 2501

Windjammer storm
all hands in the sails.

Poem 2485

in the closed fog
new- born lambs calling,
calling from the whiteness.

Poem 2564

A windjammer tour
kids below deck
in their ‘Arrhh’ pirate talk.

Poem 2548

wearing her sails out
in the moonlight.

Poem 2532

Dawn wakes …
the windjammer sails
flapping her creases out.

Poem 2516

Windjammer anchor
I find its start to rust
in the rose’s bed.